Unwrapping Success: Google Ads Tips to Light Up Your Festive Campaigns

Merry… September? 

We get it. The month has only just begun, and Christmas could very well be the last thing on your mind. But in the digital world, now’s the time when the smart cookies start baking their Google Ads strategies. And why? While the rest of the world is busy deciding between turkey and ham, forward-thinking advertisers are getting ready to jingle all the way to the bank. Based on the latest insights, this holiday season has more in store for advertisers than just candy canes and mistletoe. So, If you’re not already prepping your Google Ads for the festive season, you risk losing your chance to rake in monster profits.

Jingle Bell Rock Your Revenue: Pro Tips to Amp Up Your Festive Sales
Woman Scrolling on phone 

By now, we hope that we’ve convinced you to start planning your Christmas campaigns early. Here are some Google Ads tips that could make all the difference:

1. The Early Elf Catches the Click

Here’s a not-so-secret Santa tip: While others are just thinking about their weekend plans you can be quietly lapping up clicks from those forward-thinking holiday shoppers. Last year, we saw a surge of people shopping before the carolers even cleared their throats. This year? Well, let’s just say you’ll want to have your ad stockings hung early.

2. Google’s Gingerbread House is Bursting with AI Tools

Gone are the days when you hoped for a shiny toy from Santa. Now, you should be wishing upon the Google star. According to the latest news in the search engine world, Google is serving up a platter of AI-powered tools to help advertisers feast this holiday season. Excited yet? Well, you should be!

Responsive Search Ads

Imagine going to a Christmas party, where you have an array of sweaters to choose from. Some sparkly, some red, some with Rudolph’s face. Now, you’re not sure which one will make you the hit of the party. Enter Google’s best elf (well, AI), which tries all possible combinations (glitter, no glitter, Rudolph with a shiny nose, and so on) until it finds the one that gets the most ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ (or, in ad language, clicks). You can place your responsive search ads confidently, knowing the star of the show will be taking centre stage.

Smart Bidding

Remember manually steering your sleigh? Ah, those were the days! But now, it’s like having a team of AI reindeer leading the way for maximum efficiency. You sit back, sip your eggnog, and let the technology take you where the conversions are highest. No more guesswork, no more hitting the same snowy cloud. AI now does the bidding work for you, ensuring your money’s spent where it will draw in the most eyes.

Performance Max Campaigns

Why should you manage multiple campaigns when one can do the magic? Spread your festive messages across YouTube, Discover, Gmail, and more with a single campaign. It’s like a multi-course Christmas feast for your ads!

3. Tinsel & Tactics: Giving Your Campaigns the Festive Facelift They Deserve

Jazz up your ads so they shimmer more than tinsel. A sprinkle of festivity can make all the difference.

Seasonal Ad Copy

Yes, you want people to click on your ads, but you also want them to feel something. Evoke the warmth, joy, and nostalgia of the season in your messaging.  Rather than focusing on the hard sell, let’s aim for a heart-melt. In other words, bring in festive phrases, humanise your content, and guide your browsers gently to that ‘Buy Now’ button.

Calls to Action: The Mistletoe of Your Ad

Your CTA should be so irresistible that users feel compelled to click, much like the romantics in us feel drawn to kiss under the mistletoe. Whether it’s “Grab the Festive Deal!” or “Unwrap Your Offer!”, make it snappy and enticing.

Holiday-themed Extensions

Offering festive deals or extended trading hours? Don’t forget to mention it with ad extensions! Consider it the cherry atop your digital fruit mince pie.

4. Forecasting: Gazing Into the Digital Snow Globe

Predicting the future would be handy, right? While we can’t promise next week’s lottery numbers, Google Ads’ Performance Planner can give you a glimpse of your ads’ potential future. Crystal balls are so last century, anyway.

5. Audit With the Precision of Santa’s Best Reindeers

December is chaotic enough, and no one has the time and energy to deal with messy campaigns. Just like a present list for Santa, make sure to check your campaigns over multiple times. Regularly comb through your Google Ads account, ensuring everything’s as shiny as a new ornament for your tree. 

6. Don’t Forget Mobile: The Elves Behind Santa’s Operation

In today’s world, where most people shop while on-the-go and multi-tasking, mobile optimisation isn’t just a bonus; it’s a must.

Responsive Ads for All Chimney Sizes

Just as Santa magically adjusts himself to fit down any chimney, your ads should look fantastic on all devices. With responsive ads, you ensure every potential customer gets the best view.

Load Faster Than Santa’s Sleigh

A slow site is the Grinch that steals conversions. If your website or landing page loads slower than it takes for reindeer to fly, you might be in trouble. The key is to optimise, optimise and optimise!

7. Wrap Up with Remarketing

Ah, the classic “I’ll-think-about-it” shoppers. They’re keen, but not quite there yet. Remarketing is your tool to give them that gentle nudge, reminding them of the festive treasures they left behind. It’s your last chance to get them to convert, so make it count!

8. All I Want for Christmas is ROI

In the words of Mariah Carey, all I want for Christmas is profits. Or at least I think those are the lyrics! What I’m trying to say is, if Return on Investment (ROI) isn’t on your Christmas list, you’re doing it wrong.

Track Those Conversions Like Santa Tracks the Naughty List

Knowing how well your ads are performing is crucial.  As the big man tracks who’s been naughty or nice, you should be tailoring that list to who’s clicking, buying, or simply admiring your digital display. Google’s conversion tracking is like your North Star guiding you, shedding light on which wishes (sales, sign-ups, etc.) are being granted and which need a sprinkle more of festive magic to come true.

Quality Score: The ‘Nice List’ of Google Ads

Want to make sure you’re on Google’s Nice List? Aim for a high Quality Score. It can lead to lower costs and better ad positions. Think of the Quality Score as Google’s way of gauging whether your ad is a delicious festive cookie or a sad, stale cracker from last year’s party. With the right mix of relevance, landing page experience, and click-through rates, you’re not just getting onto the Nice List – you’re practically being crowned the Christmas Star!

Get the Ultimate Christmas Gift of Stellar Profits with First Page

The holiday season is more than just Christmas ham and time spent with loved ones (although that’s super important in our books); it’s a golden opportunity to up your advertising game. With these tricks up your festive sleeves, you’re all set to conquer the holiday rush and jingle all the way to a successful end-of-year.

Remember, in the world of advertising, it’s not about the size of the gift but the thought (and strategy) behind it. If you want to give your strategy a leg up over the competition, why not reach out to the Google Ads experts at First Page? We’re keen to give you (and your business) the best Christmas yet!

Contact us today to get started.

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