Google Review Link Generator Tool


When searching for businesses and particular products using Google, on the results page there’s organic search results, paid ads and also a small box which contains a maximum of 3 relevant businesses within it.

Underneath the business names is a reviews area displaying a star rating, and on the right of this a number which shows the total number of people who have left a Google Review for the business.

Google Reviews are left by customers who have dealt with the business which lets others know about how their experience was when dealing with the business. They can be a simple star rating or also involve written reviews and reviewers can even add photos as well.

The reviews are linked with Google Search and your Google Business Profile as well as the Google Maps app search. Due to the sheer amount of people using both Google Search and the Google Maps app, it’s important for businesses to do what they can to achieve a higher rating.

It’s important to make sure you’re approaching Google Reviews the right way for several reasons.

First, you want to feel confident that when a potential customer searches your business type in your area of operation through Google Maps or Search, they’re met with extensive evidence of past customers having had a great experience when dealing with you. This makes a huge difference in conversion rates.

Next, by increasing the number of Google Reviews for your business, Google recognises this and can reward you by increasing your website’s ranking on results pages.

Also, real customer reviews that you aren’t paying anything for are one of the most powerful ways to advertise your business, especially considering you’re getting it for free!

Sometimes no matter what you do and how hard you work to provide top-shelf experiences for your customers, you will discover that someone has left a bad review.

If this does happen, there are a few things you can do. First, think about whether something may have been done differently for the customer and, if so, make the necessary changes to prevent a future similar negative experience from happening.

If you decide to respond to them, be sure to carefully consider your wording so you’re not fuelling the flames. Your response should include:

  • Their first name
  • What you’re doing to ensure there are no repeats of the issues within their review
  • The approach of your business to negative feedback

First Page offers quality (and super-fast) reputation management services for Google Reviews and myriad other platforms, and we’ll do whatever is possible to have negative reviews removed. Ask us how by calling 0800 235 001 today!

Although deleting Google Reviews is not possible, it is possible to contact Google and request that they remove it due to it being fake (if it is). When users write a review that’s negative, you may also consider contacting them directly to ask them to take it down.

The next-best option is to respond to them in a polite and professional manner, then using the dozens/hundreds of new – and positive – reviews you get by using our Link Generator to bury it. Because at the end of the day, you always want to put your best review foot forward, and when your customers write a review praising your business/products you want these to be the ones that are found at the top of the drop down list of reviews on Google Maps and Search!

So generate a link using our free tool today, create a post-purchase auto-send email with a big, bold ‘Happy with our service? Click Write a Review!’ and reap the rewards!

If you want customers to leave a review, it’s important to approach the wording appropriately. Nobody wants a pushy email that almost demands they leave a review!

In the email, keep it simple. Minimise complications and don’t push too hard, and you’ll find people write reviews for you much more often.

When you’re searching for a business (or type of business) using Google Maps, on the left of the Google Maps browser window or within the app you’ll see several results for your search. Under the business name are additional details such as address, opening hours, contact number and the star rating.

This is extremely useful, as instead of having to navigate away from Google Maps to find out about people’s experiences with each business, it’s right there. Bottom line, having reviews within Google Maps makes the process much more efficient.